Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Why should we keep zoos?

Before I get going, let me state: NOT ALL ZOOS HAVE BAD INTENTIONS(But that does not mean that they aren't unethical).

Of course they shouldn't, right? Zoos are suppose to show us compassion towards animals, they are supposed to help educate humans about other animals, and they are suppose to be a great way for us to learn about animals up close and personal. However, not all zoos do this and even if they do, does it make it "right" and/or ethical? 

Animals in zoos are there to entertain. We go to zoos not to learn, but to be entertained by watching animals roam around, sleep, and eat. Unfortunately, not all animals used in zoos are given the best conditions and environment. Many animals in zoos are stripped away from their parents in the wild, right from birth. Many animals are also transferred from zoo to zoo for either money or reproduction. These animals grow up in a world different then what they naturally would exist in. In Dale Jamieson's article, "Against Zoos", he gives four reasons as to why individuals might go to zoos and he then debunks them. 

Jamieson's Arguments: 

1. Amusement- Jamieson explains that the history of many zoos is to provide amusement to humans. However, he questions if amusement of humans is enough to keep an animal held in captivity. 

What do you think about this argument? Human amusement is more important than animals held in captivity? Or vice versa? 

2. Education-Jamieson states that many argue that zoos should exist because they provide education to the public. However, he states that there is little evidence that zoos actually are successful of informing the public about animals. He quotes a paper by Stephan Kellert who explained that “zoo-goers are much less knowledgeable about animals, than backpackers…others who claim an interest in animals”. He also states that many zoo-goers generally have the same prejudices again animals (dislike for spiders, but elephants are highly favorable)

Jamieson also questions, what do zoo-goers really want to get out of zoos that they can’t get from a book or documentary about that specific animal its natural habitat?

I really enjoyed reading this article and first read it in an Environmental Ethics class.

What are your arguments for why zoos should still exist? Are they substantial enough to keep animals in captivity for the rest of their life? 


1 comment:

  1. Hi, I think now I have a strong hold over the topic after going through the post. The subject that you have discussed in the post is really amazing; I will surely come back for more information.

