Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Animals in Circuses

I remember attending circuses when I was very young. They were a great family outing. My mom would take the day off work, my dad would buy me and my sisters popcorn and ice cream and we would watch the show, laugh at the clowns, basically enjoy our night out. What I didn't realize then as a child and what I came to realize as an adult, is the hidden truth behind the production of circuses. Circus animals are often abused, neglected, and forced to work and stay in unnatural conditions. Animals are forced to perform and are scared of the repercussions if they don't. Several animal rights group have gone undercover and reported dozens of incidents of circus animals being brutally beaten.

I've attended several circus protests and many people are unaware of what animals in this business undergo. Why is that? Once people have the information, they are able to make a clear and better decision. Though I've never convinced someone who was on their way inside the circus arena to turn around and go home, many of them, adults and children were really concerned and expressed interest to never attend again (especially the kids!). I think it's important to speak up for the animals who live there lives in captivity being forced to perform and entertain JUST for human amusement. What are your thoughts on animals in circuses?


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